Welcome to NezuNyan’s Blog!!

About me:

Most people call me Nezu, so I’ll just use that name on here as well. I play the piano, and absolutely love reading!! I guess reading has always been my main hobby, so I decided to start blogging about it. This is my first ever blog, and I hope to learn more about it along the way!!

What to expect on my blog:

  • Ranting about random books.
  • Reading challanges.
  • Book reviews (naturally).
  • Reading updates.
  • And honestly anything I feel like blogging.

Why did I start blogging?

Truth be told.. I always wanted to start blogging. I’ve always been writing stories and books, but blogging has something.. different to it. I know absolutely nothing about sites yet, and doing this feels like a dream come true!!

Thank you for dropping by!!

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2 responses to “”

  1. I love you ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It’s reading time

    Liked by 2 people

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